Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year's Resolutions: Welcome to my Pin-Diary

Welcome to my Pin-Diary!  I am horrible with journaling.  Starting, no problem; long term commitment, grande problema.  And I want to improve, I really do, and since long hand journaling and I have such a bad relationship I am going to try digital.  If I just do it in Word I think there would still be a problem, but a blog gives some pressure since there is the off chance that someone might read this.  For content, I am choosing one pin from Pinterest and incorporating it in my day - recipe, quote, hairstyle, anything!  It will be fun, non-repititive, and hopefully easier to commit to.  Personal information is boring and somewhat depressing to write on a daily basis for a SAHM and it is personal, I don't want my off chance reader to know about how many diapers I change or things like feeling depressed about the size pants I'm wearing.  So, Pinterest it is!  I will add in photos to document my attempts and personal insights on the pins selected.

Today's pin New Year's Resolution

"What you get by achieving your goals isn't as important as what you become by achieving your goals." Zig Ziglar

I love that the blog that this pin is from, The First Grade Parade, shares this message with young minds helping them focus on the process, not the end product of the new year.  Hopefully I can be as mindful as I go throughout this new year and try to better myself on the inside, not just doing better because I have to for the year; these are my New Year's Resolutions:
1. Start a blog - for journaling purposes
2. Floss daily
3. When possible, go natural/green/homemade
4. Keep a better record of daily sweet stuff - reasons to love my life, super personal=not on blog
So, I have started a blog, flossed already, will be mindful of better alternatives, and will find a way of record keeping the sweet stuff!

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