Saturday, March 2, 2013

Liquid Castile Laundry Soap Recipe

I already have tried using Liquid Castile Soap for Laundry and thought that while it worked, it didn't seem cost effective to continue using 1/4 Cup of soap each load.  So, thank you Pinterest, I found this new liquid castile laundry soap recipe that had been uploaded by a user, and whipped some up in about 5 minutes of work!  It was very cost effective and I had every ingredient already on hand for when I want to make powdered laundry soap.  Liquid Castile Laundry Soap Recipe seemed, at first, to have too much water in the water to soap ingredients ratio.  After reading through other soap recipes though, it seemed okay.  Here's my batch:
You do have to give the milk jug a shake before using it as the water separates from the washing ingredients.  I've used it for 3 loads and was not too impressed with it's cleaning power, I could still smell deodorant on the Mister's clothes.  I tried it on more delicates and that went well, and I ran a load of baby clothes and they came out fine.  So I'll keep using it and keep track of how many loads and how effective it is before I make this a long term cleaner in my home.

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