Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Uses of Coconut Oil: Body, Part 1: Shaving Oil & Uses of Coconut Oil: Body, Part 2: Body Oil

I've been experimenting with the uses of coconut oil, and so far I've already tried coconut oil exfoliating face scrub and serious eye cream.  I like it so far, and with the eye cream I'll add a thickening agent to my next batch.  So trying coconut oil for other beauty uses hasn't been too much of a stretch.  My first pin comes from my Homemade or Natural Remedies pinboard, it's 52 ways to use coconut oil and I tried it instead of shaving cream.

My legs, I admit, are hairy.  Young age introduction to a razor combined with my Scottish genetics makes me a cactus if I go too long between shaving.  Plus, my skin is prone to razor burn, so I have to take extra care when I do shave.  Yes, I have waxed and tried Nair, but for now, shaving is what I can fit into my lifestyle.  No, there will not be a picture in this post!

I found that my skin was not irritated after shaving with the coconut oil, it behaved better than if I had used sensitive skin shaving cream, and didn't need any moisturizer after I toweled dry.

However, I learned a few things the hard way:  coconut oil is very messy in the shower and thick!  My razor and tub became very sticky and I'm glad that I soaped off before shaving, because when the coconut oil accidentally got in my bath poof ball it would no longer become sudsy with soap! A little goes a long way, it's easy to apply too much - normal shaving cream has a larger volume, so trying to eyeball a replacement lead to too much.

If you were on vacation at the beach or camping or on a long car trip, some situation where water isn't readily available or showering long enough to shave isn't an option I would suggest using coconut oil with a disposable razor or one about to be replaced.

My second pin is also from my Homemade or Natural Remedies pinboard, it's the many uses of coconut oil - tried by Jillee.  I love Jillee's blog:!  Check her out!  Anyhoo, for my second part I used coconut oil for a week after each shower as a body oil.

I have very dry skin out here in the frozen desert, and being indoors with the heater going constantly in an already dry atmosphere, really makes my skin uncomfortable without some sort of moisturizer.  In my household we have to lotion after just hand washing, otherwise your knuckles and hands crack!

Trying the coconut oil as moisturizer, I admit, that while I didn't see any drastic difference in cellulite or stretch marks, made my skin feel great and it's zero scent was a plus.  I gave it about 5 minutes before getting dressed so as not to get oil on my clothes and learned after the first application that a little goes a long way!  I'm not sold on this over lotion or body creams though, for two reasons: I have yet to figure out which is more cost effective, and I'm worried that if I get some on my clothes it might not be able to come out of all fabrics.

***As a side note:  I have finished my 1 week trial of Dr. Oz Teeth Whitening, check it out!

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